Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Diet Coke and mentos!

Video: Uhmmm video was lost...

So, In class today we added up diet coke with mentos and it shot out into the air. PRETTTY DARN COOL! hehe. Well materials needed are:
  • Diet Coke (Chilled)
  • Mentos
  • A circular tube that the mentos can fit through
To have this process happen just open a new bottle of diet coke and put the tube on the lip of the diet coke, add mentos and BOOM! Reaction. hahaha

SCIENCE!: The caffeine, potassium benzoate, aspartame, and CO2 gas contained in the Diet Coke and the gelatin and gum arabic ingredients of the Mentos all contribute to the jet effect

Photo Credit: Judy Hoang but Kayleen Fang's camera

Moving colors

Hmmmmm, Well moving these colors in milk aren't very hard, here are the steps:
  • Fill a container of some sort with milk
  • Add in any color of food coloring you want
  • Add soap and Presto!
SCIENCE: Milk is mostly water but it also contains vitamins, minerals, proteins, and tiny droplets of fat suspended in solution. Fats and proteins are sensitive to changes in the surrounding solution (the milk). When you add soap, the weak chemical bonds that hold the proteins in solution are altered. It's a free for all! The molecules of protein and fat bend, roll, twist, and contort in all directions. The food color molecules are bumped and shoved everywhere, providing an easy way to observe all the invisible activity. At the same time, soap molecules combine to form a micelle, or cluster of soap molecules. These micelles distribute the fat in the milk.

PHOTO CREDIT: Judy Hoang (:

Bending Glass


Materials needed:
  • Glass (that isn't too thick)
  • An open flame (Bunsen burner! )
  • Goggles
  • Tongs if needed

Bending Glass takes a lot of patience, so when you are bending glass put the part of glass that you want to bend into the open flame, wait for the glass to heat up, you will know when you are able to bend it when you are able to bend it without any strength. DO NOT FORCE THE GLASS TO BEND. Or it will break.

SCIENNNCE! : Glass is a very strong metal, and stronger than most.

Photo credit: Uhhh this photo was randomly taken.. And I don't know who took it. BUT It's from Kayleen Fang's camera.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

ChemStd: 4a

Chem standard:

Students know atoms combine to form molecules by sharing electrons to form covalent or metallic bonds or by exchanging electrons to form ionic bonds

Metallic Bonding
Strong forces of attraction are responsible for the high melting point of most metals.

  • The chemical bonding that results from the attraction between metal cations and the surrounding sea of electrons
  • Vacant P and D orbitals in metal's outer energy levels overlap, and allow outer electrons to move freely throughout the metal
  • Valence electrons do not belong to any one atom
Packing in metals:

Model: Packing uniform, hard spheres to best use available space. This is called closest packing. Each atom has 12 nearest neighbors.

Metal Alloys:

Substitutional Alloy: Some metal atoms replaced by similar size.

Interstitial Alloy: Interstices (holes) in the closest packed metal structure are occupied by small atoms.

Properties of metals:
  • Metals are good conductors of heat and electricity.
  • Metals are malleable
  • Metals are ductile
  • Metals have high tensile strength
  • Metals have luster

Friday, April 16, 2010

IProposeWe Modeling Clay

  • 1 cup of flour
  • 1 cup of salt
  • 1 cup water
  • Food coloring, optional
Procedure: Mix all of the ingredients together and mix on low heat until the mixture has thicken
Safety Precautions:
  1. Cool before using
  2. Don't touch the hot plate!
Scientific Principles: Liquids mixed with solids turn into another solid, Ingredients mix together at a low temperature.

Modeling clay
Another Procedure
Places to buy

Thursday, April 15, 2010

back from break

This is now the first week back from break. Hmm it isn't that bad actually. Haha, Omgosh. This week I am so busy. Like I don't even know why. Haha I have school Youth in government and Leos. Aiiiya. So much to deal with I suppose, hmmm. What else? Star testing woo...... Not . Good thing that it's over FINALLLLY . Goshhhh. Well this week we took the test on math science and history some were hard some were easy. But overall it was alright. People keep asking me why I am so dressed up today if you want to know too it's because I have a council meeting . Like an actual council meeting .. So anxious how it's gonna turn out. It's also gonna be on the Millbrae channel later on tonight if you want to watch me embarrass myself then go to that channel! Haha. hmm what else? Uhhhh this week is going by so fast I love it haha


So this week was fricken SPRINGBREAK hehehe Omg it was great I didn't actually do much during break but like it was awesome I went to Disneyland though like the last couple of days for the break mmmm that was fun Haha I went on so many rides yeeeeyeee So yea I also like hung out and stayed home and stuff BUT my cousins came over from england so awesome They were suppose to leave yesterday but then the plane got cancelled So they are leaving in like 4 more days Not really that sure But their accents are cool Hahah we went shopping and all that other nonsense Haha I love my cousins this week brought everyone together sorta kinda But it kinda helped with everything Haha I got a new Giants jackets ahaha I was so excited when I got it you don't even know Giants game coming up def excited Okay Uhh that's it okay bye

Thursday, April 1, 2010

The week before the Break

OHHHHHMGEEEEEE. SPRINGBREAK IS ONLY A DAY AWAY (: Omgomgomgomg. I'm so excited!!! Yayyyy. Hahha okay wellllll this week was pretty darn great besides the fact that we had Star teesting.... Not cool. Haha. But the english and science one was pretty darn easy hhaha. I am a star (: hahhaa. I think that over springbreak I'm gonna go to Disneyland But iono because I don't want to miss any parties now right? Hahah Iono though I love Disneyland. favvvorite place on Earth I swear to gosh. Like dude you don't even know. I go like every yeaaaar. yeeee. hahah okay I'm done. Bye much love. Hhehe

Friday, March 26, 2010


Okay omg this week was quite hectic. ahahha. This week I stayed home like half of the week......Hhahha. Omg. I watched tv and slept and yea. But oother than that this week was pretty cool. We had like these people come to our class for chemistry. So cool. Even though I made a fool out of myself...BUUUUT it's okay hahha, I had fun. Holy moly when that marshmellow expanded I wanted to eat it so badly haha. Hmmmmmm star testing not looking forward to it.. BLAH. Okay enough has been said excited for the weekend and spring break! LOVE. haha

Friday, March 19, 2010

Great weeek

Omg this week was probably the best week ever. It was def great ahha. The sun was out and shining and this makes me quite happy (: . Holy moly I love it. ahahaha . Chemistry was fun toooo hehhehhe. But the sun made my week. MUCH LOVE Alice in Wonderland. But I heard it wasn't even that good -.- Darnnit. I was so excited tooooo. Hmmm what else am I gonna do this weekend. Well my sister's birthday is the upcoming monday but we are celebrating this Saturday. yaayayyayay. So exccited I'm def most excited for the nerf war. yeeyeee. Okay that's it I guess. Haha. Okay Bye (: