Thursday, February 18, 2010


So this week in chemistry we spent our time burning magnesium. this burning if magnesium is so fascinating! there is a white bright light and it smokes and its just great, hahaha. we tried to see if it would still go if we put it in water. it didnt....lmao. FAIL. hmmmm this week we also watched a video . that is it about chemistry. other than that everthing has been kinda boring. ACTUALLY! i went to the mall the other day (: hehe FORMAL SHOPPING! and i bought a new wallet. erin bought a new dress. ITS SO CUTE! ALSO i went to erins house and we were suppose to do homework but instead we lostened to erin sings and we ate and made rice krisipies. hehe so fun (: / okay bye...

Friday, February 12, 2010

another three day weekend

YAY! NO SCHOOL MONDAY! Presidents day weekend! im so excited for the weekend! and the quad.! i might go to a banquet though. This weekend is also chinese new years so i am excited for that. i hope this wekeend turns out to be a success. School wasnt even that boring this week i really liked it and our spirit week was ccoool too! BHS day was my favourite (:

Friday, February 5, 2010


Hmmm, lets see, this week i was sick for blogging so here i am blogging about random things, so next year i am going to do cheer again and have much fun (: / last year when i did cheer the coach was very mean and i couldnt deal with her. she got to me., chemistry wise i think that we had a test.... i might be wrong though hahah i think that is the week after.

Thank god. three day weekend!

Okay this week i had CAHSEE testing! It was really easy but the fact that it was 3 hours bothered me. the english section got extremely boring but i dealt with it. over the week i had a sleepover! at erins house! it was so fun it was me, erin, alex, and krissy and we watched movies did eachothers nails it was a typical slumber party! hehe so cute (: This weekend was very fun we went hottubbing and swimming adn such. I wish i could replay this weekend.


this week i gt asked to formal. it was cute ansd everythung but now i dont wanttoo go with him but is whateveerrr we also hafd an assembly this week it was really boring but had agood message


For this week we did many many labs. on one day of this week we playeds with FIRE! mmm Mr. Olsen had 5 volunteers and he threw bubbles up and with the 5 volunteers they lit the bubbles on fire causing a HUGE flame. Also this week I had my baby sisters one month baby shower thing, it was very funnn! shes so cute (:


this is another week where i forgotn what i did. lol. This week i had many qquizes for school. Also this week i started a new trend for seventh period and every seventh period i would go to the burlingame plaza with nikkki and go eat (: . My favorite thing to do,